Get MP3 audio from (get "Book-by-Book MP3 Files" - not zipped ones!). Files are named differently - fastest way to correct filenames and check file length is to place downloaded files to some directory, together with small utility (d3mp3fix.exe). It will create MP3 files, which can be added to existing folder \audio\bhs\
Greek Koine NZ audio index file, thanks to Karel Vodička for indexing. Free for all. Quote from -greek-audio-bible/ Thanks so much to Matthias Muller for making this available and Theo Karvounakis for reading the Koine Greek!The Koine Greek (Textus Receptus) audio Bible is now available for download. Freely you have received, freely you shall give. Also can be found at:
Septuaginta Em Portugues Pdf Download
As obras digitalizadas estão acessíveis em versão integral, por download do ficheiro. No entanto, para consulta rápida, pode visualizar a partir do seu dispositivo, uma versão leve das primeiras 50 páginas. 2ff7e9595c